Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some questions you might have about Cub Scouts and Pack 315. If you have a question that is not answered on this page, please email!
General Cub Scouting Info
What is a Cub Scout?
The Cub Scouting program provides youth a foundation they can stand on to embrace opportunity, overcome obstacles and make new discoveries. But what makes Cub Scouting truly unique is the opportunity it gives the entire family to be involved in each child’s development.
The Cub Scout program is designed to involve your child in a group of children the same age where they can have fun, make friends and see new things, while gaining a sense of personal achievement from the new skills learned.
Is Cub Scouts family friendly?
Yes. Pack 315 is an inclusive family scouting program for boys & girls in K-5th grades. Scouting includes everyone, and we encourage families to be active in our program together.
What is a "family pack"?
A family pack is one that serves both girls and boys. Dens serve girls and boys in kindergarten through fourth-grade. Fifth grade Cub Scouts remain in gender-specific dens to prepare them for joining a gender-specific Scouts BSA Troop.
How is Cub Scouts different from Boy Scouts/ Scouts BSA?
Cub Scouts is for kids who are in fifth grade or lower (typically age 5-10), while Scouts BSA is for youth who are in sixth grade or higher (typically age 11-18).
Additionally, Cub Scout Packs are led and run through parent involvement, whereas BSA Troops are led by the Scouts with adult leader support.
Can my older child join Cub Scouts?
Cub Scouting is for children in kindergarten through fifth grades, or 5 to 10 years of age. Children who are older than 10, or who have completed the fifth grade, can no longer join Cub Scouting, but they may be eligible to join the Scouts BSA, Explorer, Sea Scouts or Venturing programs depending on their age and interests.
What are the Safety / Youth Protection regulations in place?
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) takes great pride in the quality of our adult leadership. Being a leader in the BSA is a privilege, not a right. The quality of the program and the safety of our youth members call for high-quality adult leaders.
The BSA has a multilayered adult leader selection process that includes criminal background checks administered by a nationally recognized third party and other screening efforts. Click here for information on the selection process.
In addition to completing extensive background checks, leaders are required to complete training related to their position. Additional information on the BSA youth safety policy can be found here.
Attendance & Events
What is the time commitment? Can I fit Cub Scouts in with sports??
To complete adventures and earn Cub Scout ranks, Scouts participate in 1-2 den meetings per month, approximately 3 pack meetings per year, and complete at least one hike and one camping trip. We offer many other opportunities throughout the year that Scouts can choose to participate in.
Most of our Scouts are involved in other activities, including sports. While each Scout's schedule is different, YES, Scouts can and are encouraged to be members of multiple extracurricular activities.
Do parents attend all events?
Lions and Tigers (K and 1st grade) require an adult to be present with the Scout at all events.
Bears, Wolves, Webelos, and Arrow of Light [AOL] (2nd through 5th grade) typically attend certain events independently (such as Den meetings), but require an adult to be present at others (such as overnight camping). However, adults are welcome at all events.
Do I need to participate in every event on the calendar?
No! While the events outlined in the previous question are needed to complete your advancement, the other events are optional. You choose your additional adventures!
Are any events and activities required?
In order to move through the Cub Scout advancement ranks, Scouts must complete certain requirements, which typically includes attending Den and Pack meetings, and participating in a minimum of one hike and one camping trip. There is always room for flexibility and some home study as needed, and we know everyone has busy schedules.
K through 5 is a large age range- Are the events appropriate for the different ages of the scouts?
All Pack events are planned to be appropriate for all these age ranges. Additional activities for dens (age-specific groups) are used to ensure all scouts are participating in age-appropriate activities.
What are the COVID guidelines?
Our pack follows COVID guidelines in accordance with CDC guidelines, BSA requirements, and those of our event locations. See more information from BSA here.
Costs and Uniforms
What are the associated costs to be in Cub Scouts?
There are four costs associated with joining our pack:
a. Registration to Boy Scouts of America (~$105)
b. Pack Activity Fee ($120 per year for first scout; $100 per additional scouts).
This covers costs for Scout activities and materials, such as Rank Advancement Badges & Adventure Belt Loops, Pack T-shirts for Scouts, Derby kits & awards, most campouts and overnights, and den meeting supplies.
c. Uniform (Costs vary, but approx. $99 for a full uniform)
d. Optional Events (Costs Vary)
Do I have to buy a uniform?
Yes, a uniform is required. Costs can vary, but it will cost approximately $99 for the full uniform, which can purchased at the Scout Shop in Wayne (1485 Valley Forge Rd, Wayne, PA 19087), or ordered online at:
Before purchasing a uniform, check the associated rank page for your Scout, which includes our pack's requirements. Also, some ranks reuse the base uniform shirt and pants between years so you are not buying a new full uniform each year. [Tigers/ Wolves/ Bears - Blue; WEBELO/ AOL - Beige & Green]
Is there any fundraising to offset costs? Are there any fundraising commitments?
Yes! As a Pack we participate in the Trail's End popcorn sale. We also partner with area restaurants for fundraising efforts, and may schedule additional fundraising opportunities throughout the year to help offset costs of participation and keep most of our events free for our Scouts.
These efforts are not mandatory, but support and participation is appreciated. All money raised through fundraising efforts is used directly for Scouting and our Pack.
If there is anything where cost is a concern, reach out to us privately via email at
Are there community service opportunities?
Yes, community service opportunities are scheduled throughout the year. We participate in Scouting for Food, (food collection for local food banks), Flags on Graves (Memorial Day placement for service members), and others.
Do Scouts go to overnight camp?
Yes, Cub Scouts are provided opportunities to camp overnight with their pack. This can be both local camping trips, as well as weekend or longer durations with their families or Pack. Parental attendance is required for all overnight Cub Scout camping.
Do I need a tent?
Some of our camping events are indoors and will not require a tent. However, we also do camping events where a tent would be required.
What if my family has never gone camping before?
Cub Scouts is about new adventures and learning. If your family has never camped before, our Pack's camping trips can be a great place to have your first experience. Our leadership team is always happy to help answer questions to make sure you are prepared and comfortable with participating.
How much hiking is involved?
As much as you want! We try to schedule about one hike per month, and you can attend as many as you like. To complete advancement needs, you'll need to plan for at least one per year.
Each hike varies in difficulty, so you and your Scout can decide which hikes are right for you.
How do Scouts get the additional patches, belt loops, and other and awards on their uniform?
Recognition is provided in numerous ways throughout the Cub Scout curriculum.
Additional patches can be earned by completing rank adventures for the Scout's Den level, participating in campouts and other elective events, or working towards optional awards. Belt loops (for Lion through Bear ranks) and shoulder pins (for Webelos & AOL) are earned through completing required and elective advancements in the Scouting curriculum.