Ridley Creek Campout
General Info
Historically, one of our first big Pack outings is a campout in Ridley Creek State Park. Typically held in early fall, it’s a great opportunity for Scouts and their families to experience camping with our group. For novice and veteran campers alike, it’s always a fun evening with a campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s'mores, and even some advancement and recognition for our new scouts.
Event Info
General Rules
Scouts and families must be registered ahead of the event.
Scouts must be accompanied by a parent or guardian throughout the event.
Pack 315 must have a medical form on file for every individual, including siblings and parents/guardians.
Ridley Creek State Park closes at sunset. Emergency exit route information will be provided at check-in, and the Cubmaster must be notified immediately.
All scouts should wear their Class A scout uniform for the evening portion of the campout. (Dinner, campfire)
If planning to stay for Sunday morning activities, please pack your Scout's Class B t-shirt.
Dinner: Dinner will be provided at approx. 6:00 p.m. If you are arriving after 6:00 p.m. please plan to eat dinner before you arrive, and also notify us via email prior to the event. More dinner details were provided in the event email.
Breakfast: Some small items, like granola bars & muffins, will be available early in the morning. A full hot breakfast will be served after our morning pack hike. Breakfast details are also in the event email.
Feel free to bring your own, already prepared, food, especially if there are allergy concerns. (There is NO individual cooking allowed at a Cub Scout camping event.)
Any food you bring MUST be stored overnight in your vehicle.
Packing List
Group Rules, Guidelines, & Restrictions
Our number one priority is safety, followed by providing our children with a fun and age-appropriate experience. We understand that some families are experienced campers, but we must follow rules and guidelines as prescribed by Scouts America at all times. As a result, we ask that you abide by the following for everyone’s safety and enjoyment throughout the weekend:
The following items/activities are strictly prohibited:
Firearms, fireworks, or explosives
Sheath knives or wood tools (hatchets, axes, saws). Small folding pocket knives for personal use are acceptable for adults or Scouts who have earned their Whittling Adventure for the year.
Firewood or fire starters (no personal campfires are allowed)
Tobacco or vape products
Drugs or any controlled substance (other than required personal prescription medication, which should be secured by the adult away from children)
Cooking equipment, such as camp stoves, bbq grills, backpacking stoves, etc. (NO INDIVIDUAL COOKING OR FIRE OF ANY KIND is allowed within our sites.)
If you have any questions or concerns ahead of the event, please reach out to your Scout's den leader or cubpack315ns@gmail.com